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Michael Romero 

Educator, Composer, Trumpeter


Michael Romero is currently the Director of Bands at Carson Middle School in Fort Carson, Colorado. He graduated with Highest Honors from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, earning a Bachelor’s of Music Education with a concentration in instrumental music. While at the University of Illinois, Michael was active in the concert band, orchestra, and jazz programs through ensembles, private lessons, and group instruction. He was also a member of the University of Illinois Marching Illini.

Outside of the University of Illinois, Michael was a member of the Phantom Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps from 2019 to 2022, serving as the trumpet section leader and visual soloist for the 2022 season. He is currently on brass staff at Music City Drum Corps and visual staff at Blue Knights Percussion Ensemble. Additionally, he has taught on the instructional staffs of the O’Fallon Township Marching Band, Fountain-Fort Carson Marching Band, Normal Marching Band, and many other marching arts programs around the country. In his free time, Michael enjoys arranging music, exercising, and spending time with friends and family.


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